Market After you have defined those Job Function Email List basics, it's time to discuss the market for your business. Who are your competitors and who dominates the market? Think about Job Function Email List the unique strengths that will allow you to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage in serving the target market you identified above. In order to Job Function Email List succeed, you will need to identify and build upon your unique strengths. You might Job Function Email List want to perform a SWOT analysis to help you clarify your competitive position.
A SWOT is simply a collection of lists-your strengths Job Function Email List and weaknesses (things that are inherent to the business you plan to run) and your opportunities and threats (things that are external to your business) You Job Function Email List should only list things that pertain to your business objective. For example, if you want to be a model, an attractive appearance would be Job Function Email List strength. If you want to be a technical writer, your appearance Job Function Email List is probably irrelevant. Once you've made your list, take it a step further.
Clarify how you can use your Job Function Email List strengths to counteract your weaknesses and take advantage of market opportunities to build a sustainable advantage over your competitors and develop a plan to overcome potential threats. Financial This is the most important Job Function Email List piece of your plan. If your business is not profitable, it won't work as a business! If it's something you love, you can still enjoy it as a hobby. If it makes a Job Function Email List difference in the world and you want to fund it, that's fine. Just be realistic and recognize whether or not you can make a living out of what you plan to do. If you can't-it's better to know that up front.